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Case Redmond

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 Pittsburgh, PA photo gallery
Oh man, have I been busy or what? The summer went past so fast, I've been having so much to do that I don't know how I've managed it all. After my friend visited me here, I went to visit one of my friends, who's now studying her Ph.D., at Pittsburgh. We drove around with a convertible, went to see some Amish-areas and visited the local amusement park. After coming back to Seattle, my parents came here for 2 weeks. It was somewhat sad that they were so stubborn about not taking a rental vehicle, as they didn't see too much around. I took them around the evenings and weekends, but they would have seen much more around the Seattle and Washington if they had had a rental car. Well... at least we managed to visit Vancouver B.C. and Capilano suspension bridge.

When I was living in Finland, I had a 2-bedroom condo there. Lately it was emptied and cleaned, and put for sale. Selling the condo has raised several thoughts about my residency and life. I must admit, I LIKE HERE! I'm not saying this is perfect country, far from that. But still, I've been enjoying my life recently very much thank you. So why would I want to return to Finland, at least for some time? My parents, brother and most of my friends are in Finland, and that's the part of Finland that I miss. I've been here only for 6 months, so it's impossible to make that good ties to new friends here, compared to the friends I've known in Finland for more than 10 years. I've met quite many new friends here already, and I'm having good time with them. Maybe I'm having great time with them ten years from now, who knows. And maybe I meet one more reason not to leave the area, who knows... All in all, I think I have to discuss at work if they want to extend my contract, I think I would like that.

 Honda VTX1300
Even though the summer is over and fall is approaching fast, I made a decicion to purchace a motorcycle. I got quite nice bargain for one, so I couldn't pass the opportunity. One might reason that I get much better mileage with a motorcycle compared to my car, but I can confess that it's just for fun. The weather has been exceptionally good for the season, so driving around with the motorcycle has been just awesome. So far I have only one helmet, but I think I should get a second one in case someone wants to ride with me.

What can I say, I feel I'm living the best time of my life. Don't wake me up from this dream.