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Case Switzerland

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 A view from Säntis                Säntis picture gallery

 A view from my apartment
So my parents visited here. On Sunday, we visited the Säntis-viewpoint at the mountains. Although the weather was quite cloudy and foggy in most parts of the Switzerland, Säntis offered us a magnificient view to all directions. 2500 meter height is really high. After visiting the viewpoint, we drove some smaller roads back to home. Cruising in the small roads gives you lot of opportunities to see nice views as the roads wind through slopes. As the weather was nice around the Säntis area, lot of motorcyclists had also taken the opportunity to cruise the roads. Lately I've been thinking about purchacing a motorcycle, so I have some sort of interest towards them. In the Säntis gallery, there's also pictures of some of the motorcycles seen around. My purchacing is at "maybe" state, and as the winter is getting nearer, I guess I won't do anything before next summer. But maybe then...

My parents really liked the place, the views and all. Well, I cannot disagree that the views are great. However I would have preferred slightly bigger city, altough it's quite nice and quiet in here, I have to admit. I'm sure the older population appreciate this nice and quiet neighbourhood much more than the younger generation. Living in here is quite the same as living in any small town in any western country, I guess.

Still although it is quite decent living in here, I'm not yet sure if I want to live here for too long. Many things are great, but on the other hand, mand things have been quite a mess. One thing causing problems is my contract which is too short for Swiss standards, thus leading to visa which grants me nothing. Then again, I guess I'm not the only one making the decision. One thing I know for sure: planning and thinking about the future too much just gives you a headache. Some is ok, for example to think how to make living also when you're retired. That sort of things are ok, but too much thinking is a waste of time as it's much easier just to let the future come to you than trying to forge the future into something which eventually might be other than you want it to be. Live long and prosper.

 Some HD's                    Red tree

Last weekend I visit the Zürich downtown again. At the main station, there was a Harley-Davidson -exhibition. Some models were shown there, and they are not bad looking, however I'm not completly sure if it makes up the price difference to other brands. I took some pictures of those, the one with the wide rear wheel, "Fat-Peli", is somewhat funny when translated to Finnish. You can find more pictures under the Swizerland Gallery -page.

The autumn is also arriving here, although much later than to Finland. Some of the trees have started to change colour, for example the tree outside this house is so red that I have never seen a tree to blush that extensively. The trees during the finnish autumn are usually more colourful, but this one is just all red. Next weekend I'm again visiting Finland. For the travelling, I purchaced the Sony PSP handheld gaming console. It's nice, and you can both play games with it, and watch movies. The movies can be either bought directly to the PSP for about 20 euro price, or alternatively you can convert your videos and DVD's to the PSP's mpeg4-format and watch it from a memory stick. Funny, if you remember, the new coming Finnish copyright law criminalizes converting your own DVD-movies to the format which PSP can display.